Ph. by Emanuela Salsa
Actor and author since 2017 he works in theatre, television and cinema.
Graduated from STM (Scuola del Teatro Musicale) he played various roles both in comedy and drama, in plays (Machbeth, Misura per Misura, Le allegre comari di Windsor) and musicals (How to succeed in Business without really trying)-
He worked in several films (Domani, L'uomo camaleonte, Dove sbocciano i fiori) and television productions (Adrian, Fratelli di Crozza).
He's also an author of different plays of which the most rapresented is Artemisia, on the life and operas of Artemisia Gentileschi, produced in 2022 by the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum (Milan).
Since 2018 he founded the Oxilia Festival - theatre and music for ossola land which brings arts around alpine valleys of Ossola. In 2017 he founded Compagnia Dellozio with the porpouse to produce and touring professional productions. The company includes a lot of professionals from all over northen italy.
Among other activities Matteo is a musician, a singer and a theatre teacher.
Matteo Minetti Actor
attore e regista
actor and director
performer teatro e cinema
BIRTH: 1989
TRAINING: Scuola del Teatro Musicale, Novara
LANGUAGES: Italian, English
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT: 178 cm